Archives by: Kyla Roma

Creating A Better Balancing Act

When I started dreaming about quitting my day job to work with Leigh-Ann at Freckled Nest I knew that it would be more than I could imagine. More rewarding, more exciting and at times it's also been more challenging. The funny thing that I've found about owning a business is that many times I've found the most challenging thing I […]


Friday Finds Are Foxy no. 51

My first week as a redhead is coming to an end and I have to say, I think I'm a convert! Everyone has been so sweet & complementary about the change, and since I've been wanting to do something fun for the fall I've decided to stick with this at least through the winter. Because of they're also redheads & […]


Best Case Scenario Me

Today I'm excited to introduce you to my friend, Sarah Von! She's an inspiring lady who blogs at Yes and Yes, about embracing the things that get your heart racing and living a life that works for you. She lives with an adventurous heart and amazing sense of humour, and I know you'll love discovering her & her encouragement to live your […]


Cinnamon Buns

I love cinnamon buns. I lurve cinnamon buns. I've just had a hard time with them when it comes to, you know, making them. As an amateur baker I have a healthy respect/fear for breads. I know that it's just basic chemistry and that it's been around since before trains, electricity, and iPhones. Intellectually I know it's not that complicated, but I've […]


Halloween Traditions

Halloween is one of my favourite holidays- I'm a Halloween and Christmas girl. I also love using my hands and when I figured out that I liked carving pumpkins a serious seasonal addition was born! This Halloween was really exciting because after sharing photos and stories from opposite sides of the country for years, Amber came over and carved pumpkins with me!! And she […]



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