I love cinnamon buns. I lurve cinnamon buns. I've just had a hard time with them when it comes to, you know, making them. As an amateur baker I have a healthy respect/fear for breads. I know that it's just basic chemistry and that it's been around since before trains, electricity, and iPhones. Intellectually I know it's not that complicated, but I've kept a safe distance after a making couple of very sad attempts at cinnamon buns a few years ago.

And at the same time? I really don't like that something so delicious, flaky & delicate bested me.

A little while ago, my friend Holly tweeted about making cinnamon buns & they just sounded so good! I asked for the recipe she used & she sent it over with some encouragement & I already knew I couldn't want to try it.

What do they say on kitchen stadium? “Allez cuisine!” :)

After you've rolled out & cut the buns you let them expand into each other a little more…

Looking promising!

You even make a delicious glaze!

The results were so good! Just as flaky and sweet as I'd hoped, and I think they've even cured my fear of baking breads. This will only lead to good, carb-heavy, things. But those are the best kind of good things, don't you think?

Try your hand at the recipe here

ps – What do you think of my new red hair? It's crazy vibrant and I'm kind of in love with it! I think I'm going to stay a red head for the winter :)