Halloween is one of my favourite holidays- I'm a Halloween and Christmas girl. I also love using my hands and when I figured out that I liked carving pumpkins a serious seasonal addition was born! This Halloween was really exciting because after sharing photos and stories from opposite sides of the country for years, Amber came over and carved pumpkins with me!! And she rocked it. The girl is seriously handy with a knife!

I usually carve 2-4 pumpkins a year, so I've done a lots over the past five years but my favourite is to do a set of characters…

Twilight: so bad it's good!!

Two of my favourite characters from such an amazing movie!

…because True Blood has been one of my big addictions in the last year!

It's fun to have people get excited when they come to our house on Halloween, but I really love the carving process! I wish it was something I could do more than once a year- maybe I should try carving stamps and get into block printing…

Tonight, in keeping with our other Halloween tradition, Jesse and I are going to be eating Sloppy Joes & Sloppy Janes (that's a Sloppy Joe with veggie ground round!) and watch The Evil Dead while the neighbours try to guess who the bucktoothed guy on my pumpkin is. I think it's going to be a really good night :)

Do you have any Halloween traditions?