When I started dreaming about quitting my day job to work with Leigh-Ann at Freckled Nest I knew that it would be more than I could imagine. More rewarding, more exciting and at times it's also been more challenging.

The funny thing that I've found about owning a business is that many times I've found the most challenging thing I have to manage in my business is myself! That was especially true this summer when I found that it was hard to keep my focus on the big picture when there was so much that needed my attention from day to day. I needed to see the spaciousness of possibilities in the life I was creating, but I found it really hard to keep that wider perspective.

The fall has been such an energizing and inspring time in my world, and I'm so thankful to have found a balancing act that works better for me!  I've slowly stopped rushing to where the most urgent thing is and started thinking about what my idea week would look like, and then piecing out my days so I can work toward all different kinds of goals- big and small, urgent and slow burning.

It's a great feeling to have found a way to balance my design work & supporting Freckled Nest's team of designers- along with having time for family and friends again. Best of all I've been making more for myself & Jesse to connect and have fun together every week.

Next month I'll be starting my second year as a full time creative- an owner and partner in Freckled Nest, and I feel like I'm starting to get a taste of what the next year will be like. It's going to be a busy, positive & energized one that's full of new discoveries and possibilities – along with a better balancing act – and I'm so excited to explore it day by day.

{image: from Thanksgiving, pre-hair dying :)}