What You Are Seeking Is You

What if your best life is out there looking for you, hoping to bump into you at the grocery story or after yoga class? What if it doesn't care if you're not wearing makeup, or if you said the wrong thing or should have replied to that email yesterday? What if it it was bring magnetically drawn to your unique you-ness and was hoping to coax you out of your shell and into you greatness?

Something about living in a small city makes it easier to see the connections between people. How when you make a positive connection with a like minded person, in the right place at the right time, you can propel yourself forward in the story line that you half imagined for your life by leaps and bounds. As all small towns do, it can also crystallize how relationships or situations that don't serve you can slowly pull you into a life that doesn't fit your heart, which can make linger on forever in the worst way.

This week is the anniversary of one of those small moments where it really felt like the life I was hoping for actively found its way to me. Eight years ago my husband and I had been dating for six months, and he was permanently relocating to Florida. We knew it was coming, that we would probably break up, and it made getting to know each other and fall for each other incredibly bittersweet. The day arrived and we got ready to say goodbye, but the trip was delayed by chance for a day. That evening, the job he was moving for fell through and suddenly his move became a road trip. Six months later we were living together, and this Christmas is our nine year anniversary.

I'm not trying to say that I have a dream life, or a perfect relationship, but this week I'm feeling grateful and it's hard not to notice such a clear fork in the road. While most of the magic that underpins our lives is more subtle, it's just as powerful. Like the decision to take one class instead of another, or following the instinct to speak up for yourself, even when it's uncomfortable. I'm a profound believer that the little actions add up.

Maybe another way to look at it is that as ordinary acts of bravery inch you in the direction of your true values and deepest passions, you start to shine brighter and it's easier for your dreams to find you.

So your dream life might not be out there on a tropical island, waiting for you to RSVP but I bet it's much closer than you think. It could be out there in the wild blue yonder, but it could also be tucked between pages at the library or tangled in a tub load of laundry at the laundromat until your decisions make you a beacon it just can't miss.

Are there relationships or situations in your life that are draining you?
Is there something that's especially charging you up & feeling aligned with your “dream life”?

Image: Patti Murphy Designs