This is a time of year that's centered on making resolutions and I've seen many bloggers resolving to focus on themselves and their needs more than in the past. It seems like for many of us 2012 was a time for trying new things, testing the limits and stretching in new ways. I love the idea that 2013 could be a time to become more intentional and discerning with our time and energy. That's certainly a skill that I'm working on myself!

Last year I made resolutions on top of resolutions, and when I looked back at the list I made there were only a handful of things from that giant list that were a real part of my year. On top of that, my resolutions were all about [rad-hl]change[/rad-hl] and [rad-hl]doing[/rad-hl], and when life popped up (like buying a home & moving studios!) it immediately toppled my plans for how life was going to look.

This year I'm taking a different approach that shifts my focus to [rad-hl]being[/rad-hl] different in my daily life. I've set priorities for 2013 and am scheduling goals each month that line up with those priorities. I'm being more kind to myself and gentler with the people around me. I'm taking on fewer projects so what I take on will get all of my focus and energy. I'm looking forward to feeling the difference!


2013 goals & priorities

These are the five priorities I set for this year:

  1. Take care of myself emotionally & physically
  2. Create meaningful, high quality work
  3. Nourish my relationships with friends & family
  4. Make space for opportunity and possibility
  5. Have more fun, ease and rest in my way of being in the world


The way that I'm living these out (that's hippie talk for scheduling!) in January are…

January Intentions

  • Get up early to read & move around on most mornings– For me, moving around means yoga, pilates or a long walk. This is going to give me a lot to look forward to every day!
  • Blog at least once per week – I'm aiming for twice or three times, but am starting slow.
  • Stop working in the evenings and on the weekends –  Unless it's an emergency I've realized that I have to cut back on my work hours so I can be as positive, energized and creative as possible when I'm with clients and the people I work with. (This is going to be a mega hard one for me to stick with! Deep breaths…)
  • Keep track of my accomplishments so I can celebrate them – I'm learning to savor what goes well when it happens and after it's happened.
  • Take a weekend retreat that's just for me, to plan, rest & reconnect! – This month I'm traveling to San Francisco with Stratejoy's amazing Elevate Mastermind program to meet the other women in the group and get started on a year of inspiration & change! I can't wait for the adventure and the clarity I have on the other side of this program, or to meet the amazing women who will be there. I have goosebumps already!

Do you make resolutions or goals at this time of year?

image: modern crush via In Honor Of Design