This weekend I had an idea- I wanted to bleach my hair out and then dye it back to brunette. I was trying to damage my hair a little, to give it more texture and make it easier to style, and after the bleaching I decided to leave a section blonde so I could dye it fun & crazy colours if I wanted to! I bleached it on Saturday morning and had tangerine blonde anime hair all weekend. I've always been a brunette so it was a lot of fun to see what I'd look like with lighter hair!

I'm back to brunette already and I'm happy to be out of the orange. The highlight of the weekend was when my mom stopped by to say hello, and I pretended that my orange hair was my new style- just in time for her wedding next weekend! She didn't even miss a beat, and put on that “I love you no matter what” face that mom's have…. until I started laughing :)

Do you like box dye or have you had one scary hair experience too many?

I love it because it lets me change my hair whenever I like! Though I never go too crazy… usually :)