The way I would like to set up our move into our first home is as follows: We had the UHaul, moved all our small boxes from the apartment into our house, and then as we were getting ready to move our furniture the skies opened up and unloaded.

The moving day was spent tucking in and out of houses and cars, swapping keys with ex-landlords, covering the furniture in plastic to keep the sheets of rain off the sofa bleaching basement floors, thanking friends for house sitting while the cable company and home inspectors tromp around, (gently) cursing the volunteer movers who didn't show up and didn't call, and soaking sore feet in the clawfoot tub amid a heap of boxes at the end of the night.

And it was amazing!!

There have been a number of small surprises about the house, namely that the office is completely free of any electrical! My poor imac is sitting upstairs, pale as a ghost, with no hope of being turned on for the next two weeks. The bad thing about this is that any pictures I want to post get posted only after I've sneaked my hulking DSLR into the office to upload and edit them before anyone arrives. For a little while this means they will be few and far between, but look out after that!

Day Two in the house was an hour long road trip out to get the puppy I've been dying for over the past almost three years, and holy god was it worth the wait! He's adorable, so alert, so already house broken, so attached to me….. and such a good distraction! I mean, I don't want to play down how much I love making stuff with my hands but good lord I didn't realize how bored I could get in the evenings. I now have pockets of time for crafts, reading, movies and friends but that time is all framed around walking Ash, feeding Ash, and watching The Dog Whisperer with Ash.

He loves that show almost as much as I like saying “Ees not aggression, ees dominance!” in Cesar's accent, which, just for the record, is a damn lot!

Terrible weather aside the move was thrilling. Going to the lawyers office to get the keys was terrifying and exhilarating, and walking through the front door to rediscover the little house I fell in love with months ago made me heart swell up to the point of bursting. I'm head over heels, over whelmingly in love with this house and everything it means.

No more living under someone whose every move we can hear.

No more shushing my fiance when he celebrates as The Vikings score because the baby in the unit next door is sleeping.

No more half heated apartments.

No more having too little room to have friends over.

No more having no room to move when the city is snowed in from October to April.

Renting in other cities is different, if there's anything The Internet has taught me it's that, but here it's a little soul crushing and I'm glad that I'm done! Our house is only 850 square feet, but it's perfect for us. My crafting room is to the rafters with wool and custom orders to get to, I have a huge table where I can leave my scrapbooking out as long as I want to, my puppy is waiting to play…

…I'm more relaxed than I've been in a long time and I'm really loving this.

I just have to make sure I don't think too much about the fact that I'm getting married in 72 days. On with the craziness!