
Last winter, right after I made the jump to working with Leigh-Ann on Freckled Nest full time and Leigh-Ann had just asked me to buy into the business and become a partner, I made a decision. I wanted a talisman. Something I could wear as a reminder of how exhilarating, beautiful and sometimes scary working for myself would be- and something that would help me remember that I could have the life that I really wanted if I worked hard enough and planned carefully enough.

Leigh-Ann loved the idea of getting something special to mark our becoming business partners, so we went out on a hunt through local shops. I had no idea what I was looking for, but as soon as I saw this piece I knew it was for me.


It's not my usual style of jewellery band it's not even the kind of metal that I usually wear, but the illustration and the messages stopped me in my tracks. I'm not superstitious but I'm definitely sentimental, and I like that I have a necklace that will have been with me through times when I needed a little reminder.


While I haven't needed it for some time, I like knowing that hidden in the bottom of my vintage jewellery box it's there. Ready to remind me that I have what it takes, and that it I just stay balanced, good things will come.

Let's tell stories today, do you have a piece of jewellery
that you use as a talisman or reminder?

{Necklace by Pick Up Sticks, purchased at my favourite local jewellery shop, Silver Lotus}