Summer Sound [Large View]
{image: Summer Sound by Brandon Christopher Warren}

I want to make sure that I get the most out of the summer this year, so I've been thinking how I'm setting my intentions to make sure I fill my days with what will add up to be a really fun summer. When I think about setting intentions I try to focus on actions I can take that will lead me into the kind of positive experiences that really fulfil me and help keep me in a mindset of enjoying and being grateful for what I have, living simply and staying open to whatever comes my way.

These are my summer intentions…

  • Walk 40 – 60 mins per day
  • Write a gratitude journal
  • Plant & maintain a kitchen vegetable garden
  • Learn how to preserve extra herbs and tomatos
  • Make dill everything
  • Take every other Friday afternoon off
  • Cook brunch on the weekends & have friends over to eat
  • Paint the upstairs of the house
  • Take photos through the week, every week
  • Make a summer mix CD that can be my soundtrack
  • Put up lights on the deck and have a patio party
  • Re-design & work on a new content plan
  • Predict the winner of The Bachelorette with stunning accuracy *
  • Make space to invite opportunities, fun and spontaneity in
  • Look for opportunities to put my love for my friends & family into action
  • Make time every week to get the most out of Marie Forleo's Rich, Happy & Hot B-School (So excited!)
  • Stop just stalking decor on etsy, make my purchases & decorate the house!

* I stand firmly by this one, there's a lot to be said for guilty pleasures ;)

What's one intention you have for the summer?