Last year I found out about an amazing course called Indie Business- I was dreaming of starting an etsy shop and getting more into designing, and it was like this course had been designed just for me! I couldn't wait to sign up. The course experience was amazing, the sessions were so detailled and every day there was something new to learn, work through in the workbook or dream about.

Now a year later, it's Indie time again!!

indie biz

The course is offered annually, so if you missed out last year you can join in now- and it's full of new amazing advice from featured teacher Lisa Leonard, who makes amazing hand stamped silver jewelry (& who pretty much started that trend!). I'm crazy excited to be teaching a session on Etsy, and can't recommend the class strongly enough!

Networking with other students is so much fun, the comments section on the posts are always full of great questions, there's an amazing workbook and really fun live chats with the teachers. I'm really excited to do Indie again as an alum, and to use it to make my business even stronger.

Registration is open until March 1st and you can explore the course info here –  hope I see you creative ladies in class & to see where your dreams take you in the coming year! :)