I've been working on a top secret project this month that I'm excited to finally be able to share!

My new eCourse, Create Freedom In Your Online Work is a result of my experiences fitting my online work life in between life and my 9-to-5 and working for myself full time. It's extremely difficult to create a way of working online that's energizing, productive, flexible and doesn't seep into every moment of your life.

Whether you blog in your spare time and are trying to get the most out of the time you put in while still be engaged in your life, or you're a full time freelancer tried of burn out, Create Freedom In Your Online Work was made just for you!

Create Freedom In Your Online Work

This live, six week long group experience connects you with a supportive community, delivers fun, motivating weekly audio teachings (with accountability checks!) and arms you with powerful resources so you can wipe out overwhelm and be ready for the next time it tries to take you out. It's about getting more done in less time, filling your life with what energizes you and discovering the pieces that will help you thrive.

The course is built around audio teachings that guide you through a gentler, more inspiring way of working that's dialled into your definition of success. With the help of beautiful, insightful worksheets, students personalize the concepts in each teaching to their lives so instead of one cookie cutter solution, every student's strategies will be as different as they are.

In Six Weeks You Will…

  • Connect in a supportive, encouraging private community on Facebook
  • Get in touch with what you really crave
  • Create a unique definition of success tailored to your world
  • Dive into productivity strategies that will help you get more done in less time, starting now
  • Wipe out overwhelm, and arm you for the next time it tries to take you out
  • Tune into your true priorities, and the perceptions that block you from success
  • Create space for ease and playfulness in how you approach work
  • Tap into new habits, tools and self care practices that make you energetic and effective
  • Plot out an emergency plan for when life happens and things get crazy
  • Build a workbook that leads you to strategies that work for you- for now and next year!
  • Probably drink some wine and have an online dance party celebrating your success

This is about practical strategies you can put into place now, community that will support you, and diving into your work style and what you want from your life so you can create strategies that support that. Class starts on October 7th, so register now!


What will we cover?

The worksheets and audio are delivered straight to your inbox every week, along with encouragement , challenges and prompts for you to to respond to. This is the roadmap we'll follow:

Week One: What Do You Really Crave?

  • Get in touch with what’s out of sync right now & exactly what you want
  • Find out if the stories you’re telling about your life are creating chaos in your world
  • Explore how what you want to feel, and how we can get you there starting today

Week Two: Build a Strong Foundation

  • Create a deep understanding of the most important pieces that can carry you to success
  • Discover the gap between what feels most stressful vs. what actually sucks up your time
  • Lock in your “Must Do’s” to keep you moving toward your goals, even when things get crazy

Week Three: Your Productivity Toolkit

  • Learn to make the time you put into your work go further!
  • Make sure you’re giving out the right signals about how you want the online world to interact with you
  • Dig into tested strategies, resources & free tools that have helped me tame my work week (these work for those who work on their own, or with a small team)
  • Create a custom checklist to help you keep your schedule clutter free
  • Find out how to schedule in a way that supports uncertainty

Week Four: Build A Better Balancing Act

  • Work through what your ideal work / life balance looks like
  • Get rid of the ways you take care of yourself that just take up time, and find what really nurtures you
  • Create an easy to follow plan that can reset you when you’re running on empty
  • Learn to help you see how you’re supporting (or sabotaging!) yourself every day
  • Stay out of your danger zone! What derails you and how to stop it before it starts

Week Five: Create Space So You Can Thrive

  • Find ways to share online that leverages your communication style
  • Build an emergency plan that’s tailored to your values for when things don’t go according to plan
  • Get practical cheat sheets, interview questions & resources for contracting freelance help or a virtual assistant
  • Real talk about being authentic in a world where reputation matters and cyber bullying is a reality
  • Infuse your work with ease, excitement, gratitude and play

Week Six: Permission To Do It Your Way

  • Turn up the volume on your intuition
  • What to if it’s time to throw your roadmap out the window
  • Staying flexible, and how to keep building on your success
  • Discover how your completed workbook is a tool for the coming year

I know we're going to create a fabulous community and make amazing changes this October! If you'd like more details, please visit the official site here.


Registration is now closed


Want to know when it's offered again? Sign up for updates here & thank you for your support!