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You're full of brilliant ideas.
You have a heart for others why is it so hard to market your own business?!



(spoiler alert: you’re SO not alone!)

And you don’t love that all the self proclaimed coaches and experts think the only way to grow a business is shouting into the void 24/7 and hoping an audience turns into customers.

Marketing that values quantity over quality does not spark joy.

Service providers and course creators making $7k a month don’t need tens of thousands of followers a year like business celebrities do.

We’re not hoping that 1-3% of a zillion people buy a $27 course so we can infinitely upsell them.

FYI: That means you’re officially free from feeling like you’re the weird one because you don’t want to use high volume, impersonal marketing. Need to run a victory lap around the block? I’ll wait!


How can I create a repeatable process to land higher paying clients I love?

Is my problem that I just don’t know the right people?

Do I just need to try harder and harder, and force myself to be consistent?

If you’re keeping score, the answers are: 1. keep reading 2. no, and 3. holy internalized capitalism – ease up, friend!!​

As featured by

Introducing Uncomplicated Marketing

Build a rinse-and-repeat marketing system that’s achievable for solopreneurs, and attract more high-end buyers</span< in 90-days

Attract more high paying clients

Be in control of how you get discovered by clients who have money to hire you and who align with your values

Take work off your plate permanently

Get rid of business growth busy work so you can spend more time in CEO mode.

Rinse & repeat one marketing plan every 10 days

Get your daily, weekly, and monthly routines handled for good so you can stop starting over.

See follows, clicks,
and sales in 30 days

In 30 days or less, you'll build your new system, start using it & track how it turns into followers, subscribers, and sales.

"Since joining UMA and working my system, I've paid off my personal line of credit, the balance I owed on my car - and on top of that, I had my first $10k month! That's without an email list, with only 989 followers on Instagram, and I have two kids under 5 years old that are with me 100% of the time at home.  Uncomplicated Marketing Academy has been wonderful!"


uncomplicated marketing experience

starts immediately and...

Your uncomplicated marketing experience starts immediately and...

By month 1, you'll commit

By month 1, you'll commit

In the first 30 days:

By month 2, you'll mobilize

By month 2, you'll mobilize

During the first 60 days:

By month 3, you'll empower

By month 3, you'll empower

By 90 days:

(Not only did you get to be John Cusak for a second there, but I’ve gotta say you rocked those rolled-up sleeves!)

Build your marketing habit with twelve weeks of coaching calls, feedback and community with other online business owners

All calls are 1 hour long, on Tuesdays at 1-2 pm Central Time with recordings available in the member portal. You can always submit questions before the call if you can’t attend.

In the first week of each month, you’ll use our monthly planner together to dream big, track your results, and your follow-through.

In the second week of each month, you’ll get feedback on your marketing. Know what you’re doing brilliantly and what to change to make your marketing more effective. And you’ll learn a simple, effective marketing tactic to take work off your plate

In the third week of each month, you’ll get practical, grounded mindset coaching on how to keep following through and stay centered in confidence through uncertainty.

Can’t attend? Share what you’d like coaching on in advance of the call, and watch the recording.

In the fourth week of each month, build the habit of making space for your business by working on your top priority in community.

Can’t make it? Ask a question, receive coaching, or ask for feedback

anytime through the coaching forum.

...and you get a golden ticket for a 20-minute 1:1 call with Kyla at any time during the program.

Pssst – if you’re looking for a Facebook group, there isn’t one. That’s by design. Soak up the live community on calls without any FOMO or overwhelm. When you meet someone you enjoy on a coaching call, you’re encouraged to privately message and swap contact info.

"UMA is already creating a sea change in my business! The day I mapped out my system, I had someone follow it all the way through. Within 72 hours I've had as many new client inquiries as I had in the previous 4 weeks. My newsletter list was small, but it's doubled! Joy and progress!!! I'm so thankful for Kyla and UMA, this is so empowering."

Uncomplicated Marketing
Academy is the strategy, coaching,
and support you're craving.

Uncomplicated marketing academy is the strategy, coaching, and support you're craving

Get paid by more of your higher paying dream clients and customers with a burnout proof, evergreen marketing system


Not including the revenue you can use it to make year over year, the value

of this program is over $7k USD

For absolutely everything:

For absolutely everything:

Lifetime access to the program content

Our review of your system, to make sure you’re on the right track

90-days of weekly coaching calls and live support with Kyla Roma

Written support from Kyla between calls

One 20-minute 1:1 call with Kyla for any time in your 90-day experience.

✓ Access to a library of completed marketing systems for inspiration and ideas

✓ Access to coaching call recording library for 90-days

Tools for emotional and mindset support you need to create lasting change

✓ Lifetime access to visual marketing dashboard training and future updates

✓ Members-only vault of secret tools, templates, and trainings to make marketing easier

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Uncomplicated Marketing Academy’s “Ridiculous Value” Guarantee

I know what it’s like to buy programs that don’t follow through on their promises. UMA is not that, and I’ll prove it to you…

Join for 60 days, completely risk-free.

Try it out for nearly an entire season. Build your entire system. Drool over your new visual dashboard. Attend coaching calls. Use the monthly planner. Cowork with us.

If you don’t feel like it has over-delivered value based on what you paid? Submit your completed work we’ll happily issue you a refund.



Too busy? Use our work sprint plan!

Use our work sprint process to clear your to do list! Make a plan to get more work done in a short period of time, so you can easily make time to get UMA done.


  • Email autoresponder script
  • Email signature script
  • Script for wrapping up projects and requesting information (so you can take a couple days to yourself)
  • Scripts for saying no
  • Scripts to renegotiate timelines and deadlines

Earn back your investment with feminist story based selling

Dream up compelling stories that motivate your customers with empathy and by speaking to their goals and desires. This workbook helps you position the value of your work, and feel great about how you did it.

Perfect for:

  • Writing sales emails
  • Selling on social media with Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, or  Facebook

Be generous and keep your secret sauce.

Practical, swipeable prompts you can use on media, in your newsletter, as a guest expert, or as a podcast guest. Help people without worrying about withholding or saying too much.

Stop starting from scratch

Use this practical system to turn one long piece of content into many – or tiny social media bites into long-form content. (Better yet, get your VA to use it for you – yes, that’s allowed!)

Repeatable simple growth

Learn how to harness the algorithm, build engagement, and attract buyers with a simple strategy. 

Kyla has used Instagram to directly generate $10k through DM’s, attract over 2k followers, countless PR opportunities, and reliable +30% monthly account growth.

Pinterest strategies for 2021

Harness the long-term potential of Pinterest. Find out what to create and how to validate ideas that get you in front of buyers on Pinterest.

Kyla has cultivated over 140k followers on Pinterest, and 90% of her traffic through traditional and visual search engines.

…or if social media makes you cringe,
then design a marketing system without it!

(We show you exactly how inside!)

Hear what humane, achievable marketing is like from UMA members

Press play to hear their unedited experiences.

This has helped me learn how to attract more people who actually pay me.”
– Kristin, Course Creator + Podcaster

“Uncomplicated Marketing Academy eliminates the overwhelming aspect of running a business and doing marketing.”
– Courtney, nutritionist

“I love that it’s called Uncomplicated – AND IT WAS!”
– Nic, empowerment coach for moms



I’m a Canadian marketing strategist and business coach, mom to a toddler who doesn’t sleep, and breadwinner for my family. I’m a web design agency owner, turned licensed strategist with a background in non-profit and entertainment marketing.

UMA came to be, because so much of marketing for online business owners is based on either: shoveling heaps of time at a problem, spending $40k on an elite mastermind or already having a huge audience.

As a queer femme lady (married to a man) and human with a heart, it’s important to me that people who aren’t straight white dudes can win!

I’ve never been so grateful to have a resilient business as I have been in 2020.

I’ve been self-employed for a decade, and my business has been able to thrive during:
– Two recessions
– Pivoting my business twice
– Leaving a business partnership
– My primary referral source drying up
– Grieving the loss of family members
– Depression, bipolar 2 and anxiety disorder flare ups
– My sweet toddler who never slept a full night in his life
– A very rude global pandemic
– Supporting my family while working 15-20 hours a week for 3.5 years.

I want to normalize and name that these are things that happen all the time! Life and business has peaks and valleys. We need to expect it, and have a business that can flex and adapt when we put them down for 5 minutes. If it can’t, it’s not worth the paper it’s written on.

I truly hope that life only leaves roses and cartoon bags of money at your doorstep. As your coach, I will be your outraged co-conspirator if it doesn’t, and I’ll believe in you more than you believe in yourself.

The work we do in UMA has been my roadmap through and out of those seasons for me. It’s a steady foundation of resourcefulness that gives you the confidence of knowing you can handle anything that comes your way.


My coaching is informed by intersectional feminism, creating safe spaces for LGBTQIA people, anti-racism, equality and rights for all marginalized badasses, and non-violent communication.

I’m an INFJ, Enneagram Type 1, a Manifesting Generator, and my Cliffton Strengthsfinder is Relator, Strategic, Activator, Maximizer & Futuristic.

And I secretly aim to be the nicest Slytherin you’ve ever met.

Past clients include:


Click to expand and see Kyla’s answer

You’ll leave the 2-day foundation workshop knowing:

Exactly where you will (and won’t) market your business.

What the steps are in the journey from someone discovering you to buying.

How often you will post free, public content.

What kind of content you will post to position your brand so it attracts buyers.
What to say in that content.

What behind-the-scenes actions you can take to actively attract buyers. (This is SO GOOD!)

What your normal, day-to-day schedule of posting & growth actions will be.

Exactly what you would do in a visibility campaign to grow your audience.

You’re covered! The workshop is self-paced, so you can start and finish it at any time. You can do it 15 minutes at a time if that works better for you.

The workshop doesn’t go away. As long as you’re a member, the workshop will be in your client portal and you can revisit it any time.

The two-day time frame is a reference to how quickly it’s possible to finish it in, but it’s available to you to start on whatever timeline works for you. Our current record holder completed the program in four hours. Most students take 8-12 hours.

Nope! There is a wide range of coaching and support available to you, to make sure that you can pick and choose the support that works best for you. Members are encouraged to use what they need, and leave the rest. 

Additionally, if you want to attend and never turn on your video, or just listen? That’s absolutely encouraged. You’re the expert on what you need.

If you can’t attend any of the calls, or don’t like the idea of a live call, you can still get coached – the Ask A Coach forum and live chat are there for you to receive written support at any time.

Gosh, heard! There is a lot of ableist, privileged junk out there isn’t there?

This program is focused on sustainability, and on making sure your plans are real-life proof at every turn. The program helps you do that through self-reflection and making sure you’re taking your individual needs into account.

My teaching is also rooted in my experience as someone who is a trauma survivor with bipolar 2, generalized anxiety disorder, and depression.

That means that I treat self-care and down-time very seriously in my work – because I know what it’s like to be unable to function when I slack on them. 

Basically, I get it and I would love to help you win in it alongside you – on your terms.

I have direct experience as a marketing consultant and business coach to clients who are:

  • Working on earning their first $1k per year.
  • Already earning $250k per year.
  • Full-time self-employed.
  • Side hustling.
  • Non-profit or for-purpose organizations.
  • Service providers.
  • Digital product creators.
  • Course creators.
  • Brick and mortar business owners


I have helped business owners who are:

  • True soloprenuers
  • In business partnerships
  • Working on hiring their first assistant
  • Managing large teams


I am already familiar with the following industries:

  • Ads management
  • Authors (self published and traditional)
  • Bakers
  • Bakery owners
  • Bloggers
  • Branding
  • Business coaching
  • Community management
  • Copywriting
  • Documentary Photographers
  • Family Photographers
  • Filmmaking
  • Fine art
  • Graphic design
  • Life coaching
  • Marketing coaching
  • Marketing consulting
  • Naturopathic medicine
  • Nutritionists
  • Online business management
  • Physical therapy
  • Private practice therapy
  • Private tutors (k-12)
  • Productivity coaching
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Social media management
  • Speakers
  • Virtual assistance
  • Web design
  • Web development
  • Wedding Photographers
  • …and more!

And yes – Uncomplicated Marketing Academy can help all of these kinds of businesses.

The guarantee is designed to completely take the pressure off you because I know this will help you if you apply yourself.

Join for 60 days, completely risk-free. Try UMA out for an entire season. Complete the foundation workshop. Attend coaching calls. Use the monthly planner. Cowork with us. 

If after spending a quarter in the program, you don’t feel like it has wildly over-delivered value based on what you paid? 

Submit your completed work to show that you used it, and I’ll happily issue you a refund.

Hiring out your marketing before you understand how to do yourself seems like a great idea – but it’s truly a trap.

Even if you don’t want to run you own marketing forever, Uncomplicated Marketing Academy allows you to set up a system that you understand.

If you just contract marketing help without that, you are completely dependant on freelancers. You’ll have no continuity over time. You’ll be unable to provide meaningful feedback to them when something needs to change, and you won’t have the skill to improve the results of your marketing.

Instead, you can use UMA to set up a system that you know and understand. Your system is an asset that creates ongoing value in your business, and it’s something that you can train people on, so changes in staffing don’t mean your marketing grinds to a halt.

(Hint: If you train your VA – or someone else – in your system, a seat for them is provided in the course. And you can have them attend the coaching calls instead of you!)

Uncomplicated Marketing Academy works best for service-based business owners, course creators, and membership creators who want to attract higher paying clients or customers. 

If you have a high volume business or lots of products and you don’t want to simplify, this isn’t a good fit for you.
It also would not be a good fit if you’re trying to attract people:
  • ● who don’t use the Internet to make purchasing choices.
  • ● who you don’t know how to reach.
  • ● who you wouldn’t be willing to speak with so you could figure out what they need and where they’re looking for solutions. 

Otherwise, it could be a great help. Focusing on attracting customers and clients, and then learning about them and listening to them directly is exactly how I would build my business if I was starting from scratch today. (And it’s how I built this program!)

It wouldn’t hurt your business if you had that set in stone – but it’s definitely not a requirement.

In terms of an offer, you would need to know is roughly what you’re going to sell, for example: “a senior photography package”, “websites” or “apple pies”.

If you have that, the short video lessons and worksheets will help you take that and turn it into a remixable marketing plan – and more importantly, a habit in your life!

 Oooh, I wish I had a magic answer for you! Part of the magic and frustration of running a business is that our results all come at a different pace. 

If you do your mindset work and consistently show up for your business, then results WILL follow. But truly, no one other than your customers or clients can show you what the timeline will be.

(I would be wary of any teacher who WOULD tell you it will take X number of days. That’s a red flag, in my opinion.)

The thing that I try to remember is that the time will pass either way. You can either move toward your goal with support, a proven strategy, coaching, and accountability… or you can do it without that.

The question I would encourage you to grab your journal and think about is: Do you think you’ll be more likely to succeed with or without that support?
Yes, there is. When you join, the foundation workshop is the thing you do. When you need help, you ask a question with the live chat. 

Once you’ve completed that, you unlock the rest of the program. That includes coaching and the Top of Funnel Toolkit bonuses that will be added monthly.
Because the bonuses are being released throughout 2020, there will be a lot in there at the end of the year (and a formal roadmap through them added) but for now it’s very intuitive as-is.

All the bonuses that are included in the Top Of Funnel Toolkit will plug directly into the finished system in a very intentional way. They each complete the very specific “jobs” that the program is designed to complete, to make sure that it all works together cohesively to solve the problems that business owners who are running their own marketing have.

Here’s what I mean:
The content prompts become evergreen, remixable prompts that you use to create content. The ways to sell are adaptable scripts that you can use any time your plan says that you’ll be selling. The “Get clients” guides are ideas for what growth actions that you can take on a daily and monthly basis.

They all help to build out one, complete, evergreen & remixable system.

Absolutely. Your access covers two seats for team members or partners in your business. Just reach out to when you join, and we’ll get your partner set up!

As a former web designer, I would strongly recommend understanding your marketing system before undertaking a rebrand or new website design because they are meant to serve and enhance your existing marketing system.

So many people end up getting distracted by pouring time into branding, creating perfect packages, or developing elaborate websites instead of learning what actions actually keep their business healthy.

When you understand how to attract customers and clients, and move them toward your goals any design you do afterward can be much more effective.

If you already have your branding or website, you can expect to make changes to make it more effective. The benefit of working with a former web designer as your coach is that Kyla can easily point out how to do that in ways that are free or low cost, even if you’re not tech savvy.

I like how you think! For many self-employed people, continuing education and consulting are tax deductions. That’s a great question to ask your accountant! 

Great! Email me at

Does this all sound great,
but it's just not the right time?

Does this all sound great,
but it's just not the right time?

Heard. You’re wondering if you’re ready… or if you should finish your redesign first… or you’re already considering working with an expensive coach… or maybe you bought just a few too many $29 courses last month…

Let’s be real. There are literally hundreds of reasons you could do something other than joining Uncomplicated Marketing Academy. Up to and including a freaking pandemic. (2020 is incredibly rude!)

Before you say no – or not yet – think about your business. And think about the business that you want to create.

Then consider: how much time and energy will you lose if you don’t make a change?

Will you keep wasting time on trying to get started on Instagram, but never publishing anything? Will you be able to make the income you want if you don’t have a practical, step-by-step strategy to attract customers and close more sales? Do you truly believe that these problems will go away on their own?

Or, you could have a rinse and repeat marketing system as your secret weapon for the long game.

You could build a sustainable, evergreen system to allow you to reach your dream customers again, and again, and again.

You’ll be able to look forward to marketing, stop telling yourself that you’re behind, trust that you have a powerful asset asset that you can train others on.

And you’ll have the confidence of unmatched access to the right coach for you, for an entire season in your business.

Uncomplicated Marketing Academy is an incredible value, but the price will absolutely go up, and the doors will close soon – so don’t wait too long.

"There aren't a lot of marketing programs that are about getting results from doing less. They’re all about maximizing - and that’s great, but it requires a lot of work.  Uncomplicated Marketing Academy means having process that’s tailored towards being achievable, and not overwhelming. That's huge."

For absolutely everything:

For absolutely everything:

Lifetime access to the program content

Our review of your system, to make sure you’re on the right track

90-days of weekly coaching calls and live support with Kyla Roma

Written support from Kyla between calls

One 20-minute 1:1 call with Kyla for any time in your 90-day experience.

✓ Access to a library of completed marketing systems for inspiration and ideas

✓ Access to coaching call recording library for 90-days

✓ Tools for emotional and mindset support you need to create lasting change

✓ Lifetime access to visual marketing dashboard training and future updates

✓ Members-only vault of secret tools, templates, and trainings to make marketing easier

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Marketing should feel like coming home.

Marketing should feel like coming home.

If you’ve read this far, I’m betting you agree.

Somewhere along the way, you started believing that Real Business Owners can follow a rigid content calendar forever, and you’re wrong for not being like them.

But I have a wild theory that your past “lack of follow-through” was really a wise, kind choice to walk away from an inhumane approach.

Marketing doesn’t have to look like hosting a summit, selling a course, writing a 20-part email series that slams on your customer’s pain points, or being at the mercy of algorithm changes.

All you need is a simple system that to consistently find new potential customers, build genuine relationships with them, and share your offers with them.

(And some self-compassion.)

Here’s to your homecoming.

Very Warmly,
Kyla Roma

For best results, approach this program like you would a university program. Study it and apply the concepts and you could see amazing results – but only you are responsible for your business results. No results are promised or guaranteed, because outcomes are based on subjective factors that are not within our control. We avoid forward-looking statements as much as possible, but should you find one, it is an expression of opinion about earnings potential.

Testimonials and examples used on this page and in promotional materials for UnComplicated Marketing Academy do not apply to all people. You should not expect the same results as the testimonial-giver unless you have the same business and apply the same time, effort, energy, and resources to the same opportunities.

Use your own best judgement, just like you do in the rest of life. My hope is that this program allows you to do that with more insight, clarity, confidence, and camaraderie.