You've finally decided to share your talent with the world and put yourself out there. From ads on your blog to freelance work or a product you sell, it can be frustrating when the response is slow. Some days it can feel as if the only people visiting your site or download page is you. It is the internet equivalent of tumbleweeds rolling in the distance.

Why does this happen? What does it mean? And what should you do??

It's tempting to start over and create all new packages or jump straight to the worst case scenario, but in most cases with a few adjustments you can turn what you do into a moneymaker. It's just hard to see when you're so close to your work.

Three simple actions for a "Hell Yes!" from your clients

Three simple actions for a “Hell Yes!” from your clients

The key is to make it easy for your ideal clients to have an “ah-ha!” moment when they find you. You want to make sure that it's easy for someone to recognize what they will be getting in return. Unfortunately, we sometimes make that hard for our people without realizing we're doing it.

Itis occasionally difficult for freelancers and makers to create “ah-ha” moments for our clients, because we think regarding what our solutions look like and how it is distributed, instead of how it feels have that problem or to have a working solution finally!

Imagine you were trying to pick a restaurant for dinner, but all the restaurant websites focused on their supply chain efficiency, a variety of seating arrangements available and germ killing power of their dishwasher detergent.

It sounds crazy, but to your ideal client, there's no difference between this and a sales page that focuses on your program's delivery method or module names. While these details might be correct and might be something you're proud of, it still doesn't make them the most compelling way to catch your someone's attention.


So let's do battle with boring! Try this three-step system to make your sales page the obvious choice for your ideal client:


1. List it.

Tap into your maker's brain, go crazy with how you already think and make a list of how you deliver your program, what's included and record the changes they lead to for your clients. If you already have a sales page, likely this is what you've already written. Feel free to pull directly from that.

For example, in my DIY Planner course, Planner Camp I could list:

Feature: Beginner friendly videos that teach you to use design software
What it Changes: You can stop being frustrated by planners that don't work

Feature: a dedicated student site you can access 24/7
What it Changes: You don't have to wait for the school year or the new year to get a planner.


2. Flip it.

This step is where you make sure what you listed is a positive thing. It's natural to think about the issue were solving, but thinking about the positive effect of that is a step that most small business owners and freelancers skip. And it is a huge mistake. It means that we're more likely to attract clients who strongly identify with our negative language. That means you're going to work with people who are scared and anxious, and that's not where the magic happens! It's more powerful to build your life around people who share your dreams, not your nightmares.

Original Change: You can stop being frustrated by planners that don't work
Change Made Positive: You save time and energy by knowing you have a solution that works for you.

Original Change: You don't have to wait for the school year or the new year to get a planner.
Change Made Positive: Life changes don't stick to a schedule! Now whenever changes happen, you have the skills to adjust your system without missing a beat.


3. Make it daily life specific.

For each item, list a specific way that its ripple effect will feel in their everyday lives. This is all about getting specific. And then getting more specific! We want to make it easy for people to see themselves in your work. Brainstorm a particular situation in daily life where they would feel the benefit of your solution.

Change Made Positive: You save time and energy by knowing you have a solution that works for you.
Daily Life Specific: Wake up feeling focused and motivated, and savour your down time at the end of your day with a system tailored to your unique life.

Change Made Positive: Life changes don't stick to a schedule! Now whenever changes happen, you have the skills to adjust your system without missing a beat.
Daily Life Specific: Were you accepted to the master's program? Starting a freelance business? Having a baby? Lucky you! 24/7/365 access to the course means that even as life changes you already have the skills to adapt.

Your challenge for today is to take one thing you do – from offering a service, to selling on Etsy – and use this method to list it, flip it and make it daily life specific.

What's one situation specific way what you do changes another person's life for the better?

If you're stuck, I'll help you out in the comments!