I love this iPhone polaroid decal and it's only $6. Heaven!


I discovered Marie Forleo this week and love her Tuesday Q + A videos! Her advice is great and her personality (& the editing) is so charming. I thought that this one would be especially interesting to readers wanting to work for themselves & it touches on part of why a transition job was a key part of my experience when I wanted to quit my day job as well as why I'd recommend it to others.

{via LA}

Spineless Classics posters are the full texts of novels made into gorgeous designs, and they're readable! Though I'll probably stick to my Kindle instead of finding a magnifying glass ;)

{via Julia}

This post about “Blog-petition” and how to avoid it is such a great post and is a perfect example of why Danielle's blog is so widely read. Her take on any issue is always fresh, focused and grounded.

{image by dearsome}

Good collage work like this is so beautiful and detailled that it's otherworldly. My favourite parts are the shadows on their clothing, and the piece of looseleaf where you can see the margin, right above the record player.

Penguin books as a laptop skin! The librarian in me is in love, and so is the pattern geek.

Hope you have a great weekend planned! xo