
Just Be posted by Cody Small on Behance

Just Be posted by Cody Small on Behance

✚ If you're all burned out on creative ideas use this this trick from The Middle Finger Project to short circuit yourself back into the zone.

✚ Girl Scout cookie sales are moving online! Girl Scout cookie sales are moving online!! I mean, I love salad.

✚ Are you going to be alone these holidays? Missing someone you love, or someone you lost? Get through the holidays in one piece, no matter how you're spending them.

✚ Have you been holding back from being active because you feel guilty or like you're behind? Yoga doesn't care – and neither does spin class, your treadmill, or gym. Stop rationalizing, and start acting!

✚ Facebook updated their privacy settings. Again! Fast Company has the few key details you need to stay on top of the changes.

✚ Your creative calendar for December is full of movies in theatres, movies to watch at home, albums you should hear, TV to watch, books to read, places to go and weird holidays to celebrate. With all this and the holidays, you can absolutely justify doing Chinese food for Christmas.

✚ This post on how to manage anxiety while running your own business is full of great advice you can put into action today.

✚ Before the new year arrives you can brush up on the top memes of 2014. Sochi, Turnup for what, and the distribution of tweets on Serial (including my favourite: the theory that the “Mail Kimp” girl from the ad did it!)



Last Week:

✓ Officially announce the new & the end of Freckled Nest Design. It felt great to announce and bring everyone in on what's been happening behind the scenes. And The Brave Creative Workshop group on Facebook went from 1 member to 107 in a week! If you want to talk business and blogging, join up!

✖ Put Planner Camp back on sale.

This Week:

Put Planner Camp back on sale. This week got away from me! There has been so much administrative work with separating the businesses that I prioritized my design client work this work – and then I remembered that I had to fess up here! Next week, it's happening.

What do you want to get done this week?