When Leigh-Ann, Jill and I were starting to think about the ways we could grow Indie Business: Compass, our eCourse on establishing a strong foundation for small businesses, we talked about a lot of different ideas that could help make the course stronger. As we talked, we came up with the idea of using old fashioned, seafaring navigation as the inspiration for how we would share the course. We imagined having an Indie Business ship to represent each student & the journey that they're on with their business, then a compass that helps each business set out and move forward strongly (representing the Compass eCourse), and finally a north star that would mean no matter what each business owner is encountering, they'll know how to navigate what they're experiencing, which will be used for the master class eCourse we'll be sharing next year.

It was a really fun idea to expand on and work with, and as soon as we decided that we were set on this theme, our next step was clear. This was the perfect theme for a tattoo artist- we clearly needed to get a tattoo artist as our illustrator!

We went to Reuben Todd, of the artists at my favourite tattoo shop in my city, Kapala Tattoo (which is where I got my sleeve done by Rich Handford). Reuben specializes in traditional style tattoos, and as soon as we explained the idea he was in & we were over the moon! He created original illustrations along with gorgeous, big full colour paintings of our a compass, north star and the indie business ship.

I love traditional tattoos and how colourful and vivid Reuben's work is for the Indie Business eCourse elements. It's been exciting to have them as part of the course, and to work with a young, talented local tattoo artist as our illustrator! It was a great way to help support another local small business as part of the course's foundation.

Ever since I saw these I've been dying to get a pair of foot tattoos by him, but I've been having trouble deciding on what I want! As soon as I've settled on my idea, I'm calling Kapala Tattoo and will be getting fancier feet!

Luckily, you don't have to go under the needle to appreciate tattoo inspired art or his talent :)