Make The Most of your Blogging, Business or Social Media Conference Experience (What to do before, during & after)That's right, there's a new episode of my subscriber only podcast!

I'm heading to Portland for a conference for creative entrepreneurs and it means conferences, travel and face to face networking are all on my mind.

Conferences are a huge part of blogging, online business and our normal 9 to 5 work lives – and they're sizzling with possibility!

But they can also be stressful and be hard to bring your authentic self to.

In this episode I share my personal prep for attending a conference, and how to find sanity in the chaos of a conference.

I also share what you should never say to a border agent when travelling out of country to a blogging or business related event.

It's an important secret that could save you dozens of hours, stress and lost income if you own your own business. And if you don't have a background in human resources like I do, it's a trap you could walk right into. Let me save you the trouble!

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The newsletter is the only place to get my podcast, and occasional insider deals and announcements classes that I've dreamed up just for you.

Not sure what a podcast is? It’s like a radio show on the internet. You can play it by signing up above and clicking the play button that will be sent to your email. Easy as pie! So what are you waiting for? ;)